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IMPORTANT: TEAMPLAY -what we can improve

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IMPORTANT: TEAMPLAY -what we can improve Empty IMPORTANT: TEAMPLAY -what we can improve

Post  Admin Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:46 pm

Hey Guys,

When we play together, I got the feeling, we still have to improve ourselves.
Apart from player- and/or herodependent mistakes, some general skills are missing.
While I was reading the forum, I found a nice guide( yesterday, explaining you the
general playerqualities.

It would be aprreciated if you would read this from point 1-5, even the first one.
Maybe you already know the things mentioned above, but somehow, poeple have to remember
some things, to know them active in game, and not passive(They know it, but they don't do it).

Additionally,I want to higlight our teamplay. According to me and Rage, it's awful.Really awful,
So what are the problems?

1.Different decisions in the same situation
Example:One player makes signal in woods, to ask for anoter hero to go with him and maybe kill someone.
Without waiting, he goes into the enemy woods. There won't be any positive result, because 1v1 kills,
when both have full hp, are more or less rare. He even can get killed, when one teleports/there are 2 heroes.
More examples are entering teamfights, going back, taking tower, etc
How we fix that:
1.1.Announce your actions. If we got any communication system with voice, it would be fine.
1.2.Reply with "yes" or "no" to (not) accept the order
Annoyed by someone?! Discuss this after the game, not in the game. The next game, we can do it differently and with more success.

2.Hero Roles
Example: Heroes like Lion, Bane Elemental and maybe Pugna, don't benefit much from items. But the Carry(=Nevermore, Mirana, Spectre, Pirate, etc)
does. He's the one benefiting most from our team ressources, so it would be best to leave him as much gold/feed as possible. Generally, I put heroes into 3 maincategories, similar to the guide mentioned above:
=The lategamhero of the team. He should get the kill whenver it's possible. He also should gain much farm and his death should be avoided by his allies.
Examples:Nevermore, Spectre, Pirate, Mirana, Morphling
=They take the kill, when the carry is not here. They benefit much from their coreitem(for example Eartshakers Dagger). They take the rest of the gold,
which is not taken by the lategamers.Their playstyle is a mix of farm, gank and push.
Examples: Eartshaker, Sand King, Lina, Clockwerk Goblin
=Their job is to improve the performance of their allies. Their job might be ganking, babystting the whole game. Supporters don't have to farm!Usually, they buy wards and have almost no items and low level.
If they can save an allies live by sacrifising themselves, they should do so.
Alltough this doesnt sound so attractive, it's still a very important part of teamplay!
Examples: Maiden, Lion, Warlock

Addtionally, I would suggest some more things:
...buys ward. Always and through the whole game he should ward,ward ward.
...ganks,ganks and gives again ganksupport
..."babysits" the carry on the lane, being dominant there
...Buys a Ring Of Bassilus.+3 Armor and Mana Regenration for the whole team for only 500 gold.
...can buy magic wand/stick! Great item
...since 6.63, I would suggest Power Treads for them
...dont need any big Coreitem. Basilus, Treads, Magic Wand + Teleport is fine. Rest of gold goes into wards
...They dont farm 20 minutes, without having ever ganked. Better Dagger 5 minutes later, but ganked a lot.

3.Other things
3.1.Example:Shackle, Stun and Slow on one unit at the samt time.
Come on.Wait till the other disable is almost over, then use yours.That's all.
3.2. Example: Nevermore goes in first, then Eartshaker.
Another awful example. As initiator you !have! to go into nig fights first, and not wait until allies are dead and you can have your triple kill.
Example: Nevermore walks to the enemies from behind. They just walk back.
Some of our ganks can be predicted looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time before we have even started to use our spells.
Use the fog of war, iniate with disable, and have timing.
Example: Autohit may also cause your ally and you not to get the lasthit.
Just practice and concentrate.That's all.
3.5.Pushing your lane too far
Example: One of us waits to gank. But they are safe at their tower. He still waits.
You want ganks on your lane? But no one ganks at their tower. Autohit is one of the main reasos for this.
3.6.Pushing towers
The best point of time to push a tower, is after a succesfull gank or teamfight. Go back when too many enemies teleport.
3.7.Map awareness
Example: All are miss and ten seconds later, you get ganked.
Just look at the minimap and try to predict where they go and where they are.
3.8.Saying "b(ack)"
Example: 3 enemy heroes just went back because of low Hp.Afraid of ganK?No.Why back then?No idea.
That's it. Look at the enemies situation when they are miss. "Why" they are miss and "When" they will re-appear.

Ok. That's it. Hope we can improve these points.Thanks for taking the time to read this.

With best wishes and good lcuk in your DotA Carrier at our team

Last edited by Admin on Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:58 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Join date : 2009-09-07

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IMPORTANT: TEAMPLAY -what we can improve Empty Re: IMPORTANT: TEAMPLAY -what we can improve

Post  RAAA-_-AAAGE Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:54 pm

Good work, man!
Another important point:

4. Listen to feb_!He is almost always right!

Edit: CoCo, dont do this again! ;-)


Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-09-08

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IMPORTANT: TEAMPLAY -what we can improve Empty good work

Post  Cristix^Riddick Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:24 pm

rly good steps of learning


Posts : 6
Join date : 2009-09-13

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